Friday, May 22, 2009

David Bowie Day (Without The David Or the B)

Yesterday marked the end of a pretty stressful work week. I did my best to keep up with the two jobs I had to perform at work and I think that I did okay for the most part. Fortunately though, I only had to do it all for four days and get to spend this wonderful friday nursing my new owies. (did you get that from the title? It was clever right?... well it was to me anyways.)

This is a late entry. It was intended for yesterday but I fell asleep when I was in the process of getting myself to go write it. I was very very tired.

I was trying hard to work my buns off to
help complete the factory to-do list yesterday but things weren't going so smooth. I started out the day by burying a small sharp resinsickle that had formed from dried pooled up resin from a fresh built snowboard into my thigh and breaking it off in there. It was gross and I had to squeeze it out of my leg in the bathroom. A few hours later I knicked my knuckle on a belt sander. It was super minor and I was feeling super luck and kind of cocky because it could have been much worse. A little while later while I was counting my lucky stars I wound up grinding off my other knuckle on a ski grinder.

It really isn't horrible. Worse things have happened to me. But it tends to contribute to a stressful day when you have a weeping wound on the knuckle of the hand you happen to be using that day. It was either at this point or shortly after when I decided to reward myself by skipping history class and go to the skatepark instead. That was a good idea but when I was there I was faced by an angry badger that clawed my leg in the process of being defeated by me.

The phrase "you should se the other guy" is appropriate here. Although I was cut up a little bit in the process I still pulled off a decisive victory over said badger. I don't think we'll be seeing him around much anymore.

After my heroic day I fell asleep in my clothes for hours and then showered in a daze and went back to bed at ten. Really. you can ask Aaron White. I guess he called at like eleven or something because he was making fun of me for it today.


  1. OUCH!!! I've been complaining for days over an electric toothbrush-induced mouth injury, and reading this makes me feel like a big baby.

  2. A badger? Really? Didn't you know that skatepark badgers are an endangered species? That's what you get for sluffing class, you retard!
